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Real-time surgical cooperation
via telemedicine


Step into the operating room
with full immersion


Broadcast, record, and review
any surgical procedure in high-quality


Imagine the consequences of being able to teleport yourself, in a matter of seconds, to an operating room. Imagine significantly reducing the time, cost and inconvenience associated with travel. Imagine an operating room where we can accommodate as many surgeons as we wish, without physical space restrictions and with the possibility of accessing any area, corner or data. Imagine being present and non-intrusive. Imagine being able to access the knowledge or experience of any professional colleague in the world, while performing an intervention. Imagine democratising surgery and access to quality surgical services? Imagine all of this becoming a reality NOW! Imagine mSurgery

About us

mSurgery is an advanced software that surpasses traditional videoconferencing platforms (Zoom, Teams, Skype), e-learning, and streaming services (YouTube, Netflix) by integrating and enhancing their functionalities. In addition to offering high-performance video quality and synchronized multiple video feeds, it introduces mixed reality technology to create a 100% immersive solution. This enables users to feel as if they are truly inside the operating room. Designed specifically for healthcare professionals in surgical environments, mSurgery ensures minimal signal latency, high image quality, and a holistic view of the operating room. Furthermore, it supports 3D streaming from endoscopes, microscopes, and augmented reality (AR) devices, offering an unparalleled surgical experience.

mSurgery is an advanced platform designed to enhance the surgical and educational experience by providing immersive and flexible solutions tailored to the needs of healthcare professionals. Its versatility allows it to be applied in a wide range of clinical and educational settings.

Four Features That Transform Surgery and Medical Training


mSurgery allows surgeons to autonomously stream their surgical procedures in real-time, offering an immersive, multi-angle viewing experience. This multi-screen functionality, combined with two-way communication, is perfect for events such as congresses, training programs, mentorships, and remote proctoring.

Surgeons can record their surgeries in an immersive format, capturing every detail of the procedure. These recordings become part of the clinical record and can be used as part of the surgeon’s CV. Additionally, the platform allows sharing and editing of the videos, making them dynamic educational tools.

i-Webinar replaces and enhances traditional surgical observation. This tool offers an expert-guided educational experience with unprecedented quality and detail, making it the ideal solution for large-scale surgical training without the need for physical presence in the operating room.

i-VOD allows users to review previously recorded surgical procedures in a fully immersive format. Users can access these recordings at their own pace, enabling continuous and flexible learning from any location.

The immersive communication platform mSurgery is easily accessible from any electronic device with an internet connection. It is quickly accessed via a URL address, without the need to install an app, and is suitable for any operating system on the market. Whether from your desktop computer, smartphone, tablet or virtual reality glasses, access the content of the platform, and maintain two-way communication with the operating room and/or training sessions.

In multi-camera mode, and thanks to the ease of use and flexibility of formats offered by mSurgery’s dynamic grid, we can always access simultaneously and synchronously to:

Surgeon's vision

When the surgeon wears immersive augmented reality glasses, users can access the surgeon’s real-time field of view during the procedure. This includes not only the surgeon’s physical perspective but also any digital information they might be using, such as surgical planning reviews and 3D visualizations of organs.

MedTech Device Video Feed

mSurgery integrates video and image feeds from various devices used in the operating room, including laparoscopes, endoscopes, microscopes, X-rays, arthroscopes, and ultrasound machines. All of these feeds are available in a synchronized multi-screen format, offering a complete view of the entire procedure.

Global Vision of the Operating Room: 360º Cameras

By equipping the operating room with 360º cameras, mSurgery provides an immersive view of everything happening inside the OR without taking up physical space or interfering with the procedure. Users can connect with VR glasses to increase the immersion level, enhancing the retention and impact of the information. Additional cameras can also be integrated to capture specific details or strategic views of the OR, synchronizing all data in real time.

3D Vision

mSurgery supports the transmission of stereoscopic (3D) images from surgical instruments such as robotic systems and cameras. Users can experience the same high-quality visual and depth perception as the surgeon at the Da Vinci console by wearing VR glasses or 3D Tablets.

*mSurgery is compatible with the vast majority of commercial augmented reality glasses on the market.** We are the first platform in the world to transmit the 3D signal from the Da Vinci surgical robot console to virtual reality glasses and 3D tablets.

Multi-camera visualisation

Sometimes we would like to have more than 2 eyes so that we don’t miss anything in an operating room. That is the function of our dynamic viewing grid. It allows us to have a multi-camera view. Not only can you see simultaneously and synchronised, as many images as you consider, but you can choose the view configuration at any given moment. Decide which is your main camera; hone in on the detail of a 3D image of the surgical robot; zoom in on a screen while still paying attention to the dexterity in a surgeon’s hands…

Bidirectional communication in real time

Time is key in surgery, that’s why mSurgery prioritises the importance of minimum signal latency, both video and audio, to all its users. Under normal signal circumstances, the latency is always less than 500 milliseconds in signal delay. So the live feeling is guaranteed: sharing vision and conversing as if you were in the same room is a fact with mSurgery.

Directly from inside the operating room. The medical staff themselves prepare the broadcast of the session as part of the workflow of the operation, without the need for audiovisual specialists. Give guests access, select the level of bidirectionality, and choose whether to record or simply broadcast.

i-Webinar is an evolution of the traditional webinar concept, specifically designed for advanced surgical training. This platform combines the interactivity of an online seminar with the full immersion of virtual reality, allowing participants to experience a surgery as if they were in the operating room in real time, guided by the same surgeons who performed the procedure. Through the comprehensive mSurgery system, surgeries are pre-recorded in high-definition, offering an unprecedented educational experience.

Access all the content recorded by your institution in the immersive video library of mSurgery. If you have virtual reality glasses, you can revisit the surgery in immersive format and witness the procedure from inside the operating room. Additionally, you can access the recorded masterclass sessions from the i-Webinar format at any time.

Collaborative Surgery remotely and in real time
As a bariatric surgeon and trainer in bariatric surgery with the Da Vinci robotic platform, mSurgery will become an essential tool in the training path of any surgeon, resident or student. It offers us the possibility of being able to advise and guide surgeons with less experience with a robotic platform remotely and in real time. The clarity of communication and precision of images in mSurgery facilitates effective collaboration, allowing the most demanding surgical techniques to be performed more safely and improving patient outcomes. It is, without a doubt, a revolutionary tool in the field of surgery.- Dr. Jordi Tarascó, Specialist in Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery.

Dr. Jordi TarascóSpecialist in Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery.

"As a surgeon, mSurgery has transformed my surgical practice. Recently, during a complex operation, I received real-time assistance from a colleague 3000 km away. The clarity of communication and accuracy of the images in mSurgery facilitated effective collaboration, allowing me to apply specialised techniques that significantly improved the outcome for my patient. It is, without a doubt, a revolutionary tool in the field of surgery."

Dr. Alejandro GómezCirujano General

"En nuestro hospital universitario, mSurgery ha sido un activo invaluable en la formación de nuestros residentes de cirugía. La capacidad de la plataforma para facilitar sesiones educativas detalladas y en tiempo real ha enriquecido enormemente su aprendizaje. Los residentes ahora pueden observar una gama más amplia de procedimientos y técnicas, acelerando su desarrollo y preparándolos mejor para su carrera futura."

Laura FernándezGerente de Hospital Universitario

"Como responsable de marketing en una empresa farmacéutica, he observado el impacto positivo de mSurgery en la formación médica. La plataforma ha sido crucial para presentar nuestros productos a través de casos prácticos reales. Los médicos aprecian la oportunidad de aprender de situaciones reales, lo que ha mejorado notablemente la aceptación y comprensión de nuestros productos."

Martín VázquezDirector de Marketing, Pharma Innovations

"Trabajando en ventas de equipamiento quirúrgico, mSurgery ha cambiado radicalmente nuestra estrategia de demostración y formación. La plataforma nos ha permitido mostrar de manera eficaz y dinámica los beneficios de nuestra tecnología. Los cirujanos y los equipos médicos pueden ver en tiempo real cómo nuestros productos mejoran los resultados para los pacientes, acelerando así su adopción."

Carlos RuizJefe de Ventas, TechMed Solutions
(+34) 952 575 397

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Av. Juan López de Peñalver, 21
29590 • Málaga (Spain)34) 952 575 397